Dining out at fancy restaurants and shopping for designer label clothes are likely to go on the want list. 在优雅的餐厅吃饭和购买名设计师的品牌服饰应该放在“想要的”清单上。
Array security label component: An array is an ordered list of elements that can be used to represent a simple hierarchy. 数组安全标签组件:数组是一组有序的元素,可用于表示简单的层次结构。
For unprocessed invitations displayed in the Inbox or as a ghost in the calendar, the repeats label is an active link that toggles between showing and hiding the actual list of repeating dates. 对于Inbox旁边显示的未处理的邀请或日历中的某个ghost,repeats标签是一个活动的链接,可以在显示和隐藏实际的重复日期列表之间进行切换。
If this list does not meet your needs ( RTF Field Label), you will need to define these RTF fields prior to creating a profile. 如果这个列表不能满足您的需求(RTFFieldLabel),您就需要在创建档案之前定义这些RTF字段。
From the catalog, we see that is has a title of Project Areas, which can be used as a label for a selection list. 从目录中,我们看到了它有一点的ProjectAreas,可以用作选择列表的标签。
Set security label component: A set is an unordered list of elements. 集合安全标签组件:集合是一组无序的元素。
The label specified that it had no mayonnaise but the ingredients list revealed that it contained egg yolk, oil and white wine vinegar& which are all used to make mayonnaise. 产品的包装上显示沙拉不含奶黄酱,但成分列表中却标明食品配料含有蛋黄,油和白葡萄酒醋&这些正是制作奶黄酱的原料。
If you check out the label on the back of your favorite window cleaner, you might be surprised to find some foreign and dangerous chemicals in the list of ingredients. 查看一下你最喜欢的窗户清洁剂标签,你可能会惊讶地发现成份中有一些危险的化学品。
It appears the food is fabricated from two or more ingredients and the label does not list the common or usual name of each ingredient. 食品由两种或两种以上成分构成,但标签没有标注通用名或每种成分的使用名。
The label statements include the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor, the ingredient list, and nutrition labeling. 信息面包含制造商、包装商和经销商的名称和地址,以及配料表和营养成分表。
Drag to add a text block with centered text. Use to label sections of a parts list, revisions block, or title block. 拖动此形状可添加文本居中的文本块。用于标注部件清单、修订块或标题块的各部分。
In order to label the connected components fast and exactly in binary images, and segment all the targets, a new method of labeling connected components based on dynamic chained list was proposed. 为了准确、快速地对二值图像中的连通区域进行标识,分割出各个目标物体的位置和面积,提出了一种基于动态链接表的连通区域标记方法。
In the table of figures dialog box, select the label that you want to use in the caption label list under general. 在“图表目录”对话框中“常规”下的“题注标签”列表中,选择要使用的标签。
As the International Sommeliers label it, Acqua Panna is truly a "Water that belongs to the wine list". 根据国际侍酒师协会的认定,普娜矿泉水是真正“可列入酒单的水”。
In the label list, select the label format that you want to use to display the time unit. 在“标签”列表中,选择要用于显示时间单位的标签格式。
Displays only those rows that match the value contained in the active cell and inserts drop-down arrows next to each column label in your list. 只显示与活动单元格中数值相匹配的那些行,并在数据清单的列标志旁添加下拉箭头。
Since his beginning John Kelly has been producing original designs, and has provided private label design services for a distinguished list of international companies. 约翰.凯利一直坚持原创设计,甚至为国际著名公司提供私人标签设计服务。
No label setup list was found. 找不到标签设置列表。
The label we say includes design, word, list, bar code and something like this. 这里所指的标识包括:图案、文字、序列号、条形码、二维码等等。
The types of Japanese green barrier are diversified, which include various rules, rigid packing and label requirement, harsh inspection system and quality certification program. The Positive list system is the representative of Japanese green barriers. 日本的绿色壁垒表现形式多种多样,包括繁多的法令,严格的标签和包装要求,苛刻的检验制度及质量认证程序等,其中2006年出台的肯定列表制度则是日本绿色壁垒的代表。